• Wed. Feb 12th, 2025


Number 1 Financial Education and Tech Blog

Lucky Murakami

A savant on system network security and information technology with adept leadership skills.
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  • Easy Way to Apply for a Visa in Nigeria

Easy Way to Apply for a Visa in Nigeria

This post will hopefully help tourists or business travelers navigate the infamously hard Nigerian visa application procedure. Passport holders from the following ECOWAS nations are exempt from visa requirements when…

Apply For Michael Taiwo Annual Scholarship for Graduate and Undergraduate Study

For the Michael Taiwo Graduate School Application Scholarships in 2022, we are currently getting ready. This will start on August 31st, 2022 at 8:00 AM PST, and end on September…

The American Visa Lottery Program How You Can Gain Approval in 2022/2023

History of American Visa Lottery The American visa lottery is a program that was created in 1986 by the Immigration and Nationality Act. The program was designed to help people…

Apply for Nigeria Immigration recruitment

Nigeria Immigration recruitment 2023 | NIS Recruitment 2023 is open – The Nigerian Immigration Services (NIS) has opened its portal for the 2023/2024 recruitment exercise. Qualified candidates are invited for…

Yadda Za’a Magance Matsalan Warin Baki Cikin Sauki

A wannan makon na kawo muku bayanin yadda za ku lura da hakorinku, wato- cire dattin hakori da kuma kara wa hakorinku fari da kuma lafiya. Ana so ku rika…

Kalli Annobar Da Tura Yan Mata Aikatau Ta Haifar

A wani rubutu da jaridar Leadership Hausa tayi ta fadi kadan daga cikin matsalolin dake addabar mata musamman yara, matasa, ita ce tura su aikatau wassu garuruwa ba tare da…

Yadda Wata Mata Ta Kashe Naira Miliyan 62 Don Gina Gadar Sama Da Danta Zai Je Makaranta

Wata mata a Lardin Henan da ke kasar China, ta kashe sama da Dalar Amurka dubu 154 (kimanin Naira miliyan 62) wajen gina wasu gadoji saboda danta ya rika bi…

Illolin Auren Mace Yar Jami’a A Wannan Zamani

Yau zamu cikakken bayani akan wannan maga: Waɗanda su ke ƙyamar auren ƴar Jami’ah a daina ganin laifin su! Ai gudun mugun abu shi ya sa su ƙyamar. Ku kuma…

Yaudara Kala Uku Da Maza Ke Yiwa Mata A Wannan Zamanin

YAUDARA IRI UKU DA MAZA SUKE YIWA MATA Duk wata mace a rayuwa matukar ta kai munzalin girma Kyakkyawa ce ko akasi ba ta rasa masoyi wanda zai ce yana…

Simple Method To Change Twitter Username & Display Name

There are two names on Twitter: your Username and your display name. But the latter display name appears beside your Username and the top of the profile. The former username,…