• Tue. Feb 11th, 2025


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How To Check NIN BVN NHF Number Using USSD Code

Today’s article comes on how to Check your Bank Verification Number(BVN), Nation Identification Number (NIN), and National Housing Fund (NHF) Using USSD Code on your mobile phone. How To Check…

How To Easily Advertise On Instagram In 2022

Hello readers, if you have once posted an advert on Facebook, almost all steps are available. After Facebook had acquired Instagram in 2014, the platforms joined together, where they made…

5 Most Popular Social Media Messaging Platforms

Today we will talk about five popular social media messaging apps globally, but before we proceed, it’s essential to know the meaning of messaging social apps. Social media messaging is…

Abubuwan Daya Kamata Ku Sani Dangane Da Sabuwar Waya iPhone 14

Kamfanin wayoyin hannu na Apple ya fitar da sabuwar wayar iPhone 14, wadda ke da manhajar da ke ba ka damar aika sakon gaggawa ba tare da internet ba, da…

Yadda Bakanike Ya Kera Baron Dakon Kaya Mai Dauke Da Injin Tafiya A Minna Jihar Neja

Bakanike a Minna jihar Neja ya Kera Baron dakon Kaya Mai dauke da inji na tafiya wanda hakan ya bawa mutane mamaki matuka. Majiryar amihad.com ta tabbatar da wani Bakaniken…

illolin Amfani Da GB WhatSAppp

Wace illa manhajar GB WhatsApp ke da shi? Wannan ita ce tambayar da aka fi yi min tun daga fitowar wannan fili na Kimiyya da Fasahar Sadarwa. Mutane da dama…

Amfanin Manhajar Xender A Wayoyin Hannu

Xender manhajar ce da muka fi sani wajen yin aikawa da karbar sako wato ‘transfer’ na ‘files’ (videos, audios, photos, applications da sauransu) daga wata wayar zuwa wata waya daban.…

Hotunan Matashin Daya Kera Mota Me Amfani Da Hasken Rana A Jihar Borno

Wani hazikin Matashi daga Jihar Borno Ya Kera mota Mai amfani da hasken Rana Wani matashi Mustapha Gajibo daga jihar Borno ya ƙera mota mai amfani da wutar lantarki haɗe…

Some Basic Components of Computer Hardware

The physical computer and its components are known as hardware. The computer hardware is the part of a computer system that you can touch, see and feel. Computer hardware is…

3 Negative Impacts of Using Computer Today

The advancement of Information Communication Technology (ICT) leads to the development of various aspects of technology. Consequently, the use of modern technology components such as computers brought a series of…