Hello readers, If you’re studying in school or college right now, you probably identify quite strongly with that sentiment.
You might feel your whole life revolves around exams, and no sooner is one lot of study out of the way, but you’re immediately pitched into another.
Hopefully and joyfully, there are several legitimate and legal ways to help you get at least a grade C (pass) in your exam.
There are always various activities that can be done separately or combined in enhancing one’s experience.
Follow and practise the steps I’ll be taking you through
1. Comport yourself
This may sound like a joke but, I tell you the truth if you don’t comport yourself and stop panicking about your exam, you’re likely to fail. I’m not wishing you wrong, but the truth is no matter how hard you read when you are panicking, there is a 70% possibility of forgetting what you read.
2. Pick the right place to study
This is one of the most critical steps you must practice to pass your exams.
Many individuals fail to key into this step, which may result in failing your exams, except you have another means of passing the exams. Although you can read anywhere, you cannot study anywhere, which implies that you must be in a good study environment.
I don’t recommend studying where kids are or where music has been played because it will bring distraction. Also, I don’t so much recommend looking on your bed at night, I’m not condemning it, but the reason I said that is because you can easily fall asleep.
You know yourself pretty well so you can tell where it’s best to study, if studying in your bed is ok for you then it’s okay, but if not it’s recommended you find a better study location.
3. Prepare your study materials
Only a foolish farmer will go to the farm without carrying his farm tools.
It can turn out to be frustrating when you go to your study location and find out you forgot your most essential textbook, pen or reading materials.
This can only happen when you are not prepared! It is advised to prepare yourself and ensure everything is intact before leaving to your study location.
4. Say no to distractions
Distractions become a distraction when you allow the distractions to distract you. If you keep a record of the time, you spend on social media daily, the time you spend playing games, and so on, you will come to realize that you have been wasting part of the time you were supposed to use and study. No matter how difficult it may be, please take a break from anything that will distract you while looking for your exams.
5. Practice on old exams
One of the most effective ways to prepare for exams is to practice with an old version of previous exams. Also, a senior test will help you see the format and formulation of the questions, and it will be good for you to know what to expect and as a worthy practice for measuring the time you need for the actual test.
6. Study with people
I’m not saying it is terrible to study alone, no! The essence of looking at people is that it makes you understand quickly, in that you ask yourself questions, learn together, and so on. But when you’re studying alone no matter the topic or subject, even if it’s your best subject, you will feel lonely and bored. This can’t happen if you Study with people because, when you see your mates studying even when you feel tired or bored you will be motivated and put more effort.
7. Take A Little Rest
It is not healthy to study for hours without taking a break. It will only make you unhealthy and may affect you mentally. It’s pathetic to see many students boast of sleeping less at night. I’m not saying you shouldn’t study at night. No, what I’m saying is that your brain needs rest. You’d perform much better in the daytime if you had a good sleep at night. So not sleeping at night is nothing to boast of, especially during exams.
8. Snacking on healthy food is good for the brain
You should not eat unhealthy food while you are studying. Keep your body and brain fit by choosing natural, fresh and vitamins rich food that is good for you and improve your concentration and memory.
9. Seek Help from Experts
If you have any question that seems complicated or any topic you can’t comprehend, it is advised to seek help from an expert specialising in that angle.
Alternatively, you can address your teachers about those topics or questions, and they owe you a responsibility of explaining the questions so far. The examination hasn’t begun yet. Also, make sure you listen attentively to your teach
ers when they teach. If you do so, I don’t think you will have any problem unders tanding any topic or question.
10. Don’t panic during exams
Once the exam sheets are given to you, avoid panicking and shaking, knowing that you prepared very well for the exams, take a deep breath, get hold of your question paper and begin writing. While writing, if you don’t understand any question put a mark on it and skip it, but make sure you come back to it later. That’s the essence of the pattern you put on the question (to help you easily identify it after that) after writing, cross-check your work again and again.
I wish you success in your exams….