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Yadda Wani Ango Ya Kama Matarsa ​​A Otel Tare Da Babban Abokinsa Mako Ɗaya Da Aurensu

ByLucky Murakami

Sep 14, 2022

Mun samu labarin wani Ango Ya Kama Matarsa ​​A Otel Tare Da Babban Abokinsa Mako Ɗaya Da Auren.


Wani rahoto da muka samu daga Aliyu Adamu Tsiga.

Wani Ango ɗan Najeriya da ya yi aure ya kama matarsa ​​tana tsaka da lalata da abokinsa Otal.

An ga wani faifan bidiyo da ya ɗauki hankulan mutane inda ya yaɗa matarsa ​​da abokinsa a wani otel yayin da suke tsaka da holewar su.

Rahotanni sun bayyana cewa ma’auratan sun yi aure kwanan nan, don haka abun ya

matuƙar ɓata masa rai sosai inji shi angon.

Ango ya ce tun da farko ya gargaɗi abokin nasa mai suna Dennis da ya guji matarsa ​​bayan ya ga suna wata mu’amala wacce bai gane mata ba.

Amma sai bai ji ba, ya ci gaba ba har sai d

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a na kama su da hannuna a wani ɗakin Otal inji shi.

A cikin faifan bidiyon, ana iya ganin shi yana caccakar abokin nasa wanda ya tarar da matarsa ​​har ta ɓoye a banɗaki, inda Ango ya ke tambayar matar ta dalilin da ya sa ta ci masa amana.

By Lucky Murakami

A savant on system network security and information technology with adept leadership skills.

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